like ringing the door bell but your balls do the ringing and your cock does the knockin'
he grabbed his cock knocker till his balls rang"ding dong"
by pchmaint January 5, 2006
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a cock knocker is a person with a large fist who smashes males in the balls for no apparent reason.
cock knocker pretty much ball tap but a huge ass fist is the tapper
by chronic007 November 22, 2009
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A member of the public who constantly wastes car sales executives time by asking fucking stupid questions and wanting to test drive every car on pitch.
person aged about 50 who has nothing better to do better known as a cock knocker.
by carsales May 14, 2010
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any person who, if approached by a male unit, knocks the cock, in a way of personal pleasure.

introspectively: knocks the cock is to suck a penis using multiple pleasuring tools such as the saliva, and tongue. fingers optional
by tommy knockers June 11, 2002
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1) A homosexual, or more broadly, anyone who loves the cock.

2) Phallus shaped door knocker.
Then, I get punched in the motherfuckin nuts by a guy names cock knocker.

Wow, that house we saw, it had a cock knocker.
by Gumba Gumba March 15, 2004
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