To use an excessive amount of force when it is not necessary. For example, throwing a knife at someone to get their attention when a simple 'ello would do
Toni said she was going to do some gardening later but when I went round and saw her garden....she had totally chapmaned it.
by Toni's forever bud September 22, 2021
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One who denies that he is gay but cannot help staring at muscular male bodies.
Why is he so interested in men's beach volleyball?

Because he's a Chapman!
by shelter90 May 15, 2012
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Chapman is a derivative of the Saxon word Caepman, meaning a market man or a bum monger.
Shit son, there's that Chapman fellow. He's got an arsehole like flailing spastic.

Man + Man = Chapman

Steve super glued his dick to his brothers forehead. What a cunt.
by Billy Bullshite April 17, 2010
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the act of straching your sweaty balls and then sniffing your fingers
Matt went to the bathroom so he could be alone while he had some chapman time with his basketball playin' nuts
by vjr August 2, 2005
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Activities which warrant an unpleasant or unsympathetic reaction
Dave : can I borrow a dollar?
Jimmy: Sorry, I have just purchased some boiled lollies and an iced treat. My various monies have been depleted.
Dave: (period of silence)... CHAAAAPMAAANNN.

other variations include : Chapman that, Chapman on you, Chaps, Chappers.
by JACKPOT584 July 28, 2007
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To park askew. To completely miss the designated lines whereby ones car straddles multiple parking spaces.
Damn, that would have been a nice spot had that guy not went Chapman on it.
by BizzleMcDizzle May 25, 2018
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