My Hero, known as a twitch freak, that hums down our schools halways, and pretends that he is a plane, we think hes a teacher but he isn't. A grade 12 student. He's Hairy as hell!
by Mides November 19, 2008
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Someone who is so behind in times, technology, trends, styles, fads, popular culture, etc., that you would think that they are a caveman from the Stone Age.
Person 1: *comes to school in a loincloth*

Person 2: A loincloth? That was last week's fad! This week's all "about spacesuits... Get with the progam, Caveman!"
by Introducing Organisms March 16, 2010
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1) a title given to one who is insanely hairy, has incredible brute strength, sexy in a savage way, sweats a lot, and who's age can't be determined without asking the individual.

2) someone who frequently makes cave-paintings and eats like michael phelps.

3) is either not smart (like a caveman) OR, is INSANELY smart because the person is a caveman and has been alive since dinosaur-times.

4) has a pet that has been extinct for at least one-hundred years.
"hey look it's caveman! Did you know that that hairy beast invented the wheel?"
by keeper of the caveman November 18, 2009
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The act of beating someone viciously on the head with a dildo.
Ashton " Yo did you see my fight earlier"

Kyle " No why?"

Ashton " I went caveman on his ass"

Kyle " nice! "
by StyleKyle April 8, 2010
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Even the mighy Henzy bows down to the man from the caves.
Henzy wants to be cavey, but cant so he bows down and accepts cavey's rule, and brings me food...
by cavey August 25, 2004
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A ladies dress held up by only one shoulder strap. The dress resembles that which a caveman might wear, and has a negative connotation.
A daughter asks her mom, "Does this dress look good to wear tonight?"
Her mom replies, "Ewww... You're going to wear a caveman?"
by ucsusan May 22, 2010
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Past tense of Caveman - when a girl is blowing a guy with a big cock, and the guy pulls away and swings his prized manhood back and forth while whipping his chick across her head with his big erect a caveman does to his woman when he hits her across her head with his big club.
I cavemaned my bitch last night with my big cock.

The chick saw stars all night long after I cavemaned her.

Wayne's big cock left Amanda with a black eye after he cavemaned her over the weekend.
by A guy with a very big cock April 20, 2010
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