When someone says something so obvious, they never needed to say it in the first place.
Derf MacGuergan: "Shoes are tied in loops."
Andrew King: "Thank you Captain Obvious!!!!!!"
by A. King. April 1, 2005
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that fucktard who's always lurking arround waiting for the chance to explain anything about a situation known to everyone.

common state ments made by captain obvious are things such as 'wow guys look its raining'. Yes captain obvious is that guy who leaves everyone thingking 'you dense mother fucker'
captain obvious: hey we have schoool on moday

person: thanks for that captain obvious

captain obvious: thats ok

person: you dense mother fucker
by cottnsoft April 10, 2013
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Someone who states the obvious. If you are a sarcastic asshole, it is considered common courtesy to thank such an individual for their obvious statement.
Captain Obvious: whoa, dude... The world is round.

Sarcastic Asshole: Thank you, Captain Obvious.
by KewlDood123 April 27, 2010
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A phrase that is used to state that what the other person is saying is obvious.
"Captain Obvious, he's our hero! He's gonna tell you what you already know!"
2 men are walking together outside during the zombie apocolypse. Suddenly, a zombie leaps out of some bushes he was hiding in, and rushes at the 2 men. One of the men takes out a shotgun and blows the guy's head off. The 2 men watch in horror as he collapses to the ground, blood gushing from his neck. "Oh my goodness! I think he's dead!" One of the men say. The other man looks at him and says, "Thanks, Captain Obvious." Frustrated, the first man takes his gun and blows his head off. The second man falls to the ground, blood gushing from his neck. "Oh my goodness! I think he's dead!" The man exclaims.
by ThatPyro August 11, 2015
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One who dons this name is one who confronts falsity with the glaringly patent nature of truth.
CaptObvious battles liberalism on the perspectives forums:

fecklessboy: Opinions are what generate life

CaptObvious: I’m certain science disagrees.
by CaptObvious fan May 28, 2005
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A person who states the evident to the exasperation of others.
You stub your toe on a coffee table and shriek in pain.

Captain Obvious says, "Dude, did that hurt?"

You Reply: "Duh! Captain Obvious!"
by Ms. Jenkins June 10, 2007
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