by the guy who loves jewish people! March 10, 2008
If I'm looking at this site about blu-tack cats, and they're bored, what does that make me? Oh yeah, border.
by Dug Stokes November 25, 2003
the entrance to the country that is COMPLETELY FUCKING WORTHLESS because stupid ass ilegal imigrants move across it every day...
by mr. johnny January 18, 2005
by Craig Houston January 7, 2004
by lepelope October 14, 2003
Large corporate bookstore that are frequently seen in Suburban areas. Very similar to Barnes and Noble. They have all sorts of books, cd's, accessories, and a cafe with some great food. The atmosphere tends to be very liberal, and a huge bloc of clientel/staff are college students.
by W.C.'s Own July 12, 2006