Biggling, is a sexual term often used during group sex (threesome) when the alpha male begins to ejaculate and the other performers shit at the same time so the cum is being shitted on
Jeremy corbyn: Ah shit I'm cummin

Theresa may: Well shit I'm shitting

Boris Johnson: I'm also shitting

the item produced is through biggling and the cummy shit is called white shit
by urmothersmadras January 6, 2020
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Verb: a walking pace that isn't quite "walking with purpose" but also isn't moseying; you're not rushing but you don't have all the time in the world, either
"I love to biggle between classes; it gets me through the day."
by Waldo's mistress January 22, 2010
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Nickname for Carlos Barat. Usually used in conjunction with Bilo, nickname for Pete Doherty.
"It's Biggles." - Doherty upon his release from jail and seeing Barat waiting for him on the street
by ideal_girl October 27, 2004
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as in big, but just biggle
yeah man that tune is biggle get me
by Trixtaaaaaaaah November 9, 2004
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The fusion of two words. Bitch and Giggle. There is no word in the English language that refers to really meanly laughing at people. Or bitch giggling. Hence: Biggle!
Avital and Ellen biggle way too much at other people.
by Mountain Dew 4 u January 29, 2009
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A word to describe someone who is very large and fat. Someone who is called this is definitely very sad.
What do you want Biggles?” “Damn you eat a lot Biggles.”
by crunchtown survivor November 30, 2021
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This is a guy who has a strange obsession with large dildos. He likes to be real weasley and stick dildos in his best of friends mouths. This person is also questionably gay and has likely been living with someone who is also gay for atleast 6 months. He has probably caught the gayness from this person he has been living with.
Jon: How's it going Bab?
Bab: Pretty damn good. I Stuck a dildo in Dan's mouth last night.
Jon: That's fucking hilarious, but that probably means you're what is known as a Biggles.
by Jan Allison April 16, 2008
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