The opposite polarity of hipster, apparently just as hated.
J: Basic Bitch? What the fuck?
M: It's just another way for judgemental people to be cunts about other judgemental people.
J: *sigh* Basic Bitch.. now I have it in my head.
M: Yeah....
by thatwasjusttheworst October 8, 2014
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Basic Bitch is a term often used to call a female that doesn't have unique personality and looks pretty much like all the other basic bitches (In most cases she is spoiled). Basic bitch is also a subtype of a Thot. She often thinks she is different from the others and that she has exciting life like no one else does, but she is just having the same exact life like all the other Basic bitches. Insted of being different and unique she's just following popular trends such as:
-Having newest iPhone
-Going to Starbucks (or McDonalds) and putting it on Snapchat story
-Using dog filter
-Wearing leggins even tho they never worked out

-Using a bunch of Make up so no one knows how she really looks
-Often wears push-ups so her breasts could look bigger (but she doesnt like when someone looks at them)
-Hanging out with other basic bitches
-Wears Vans, Adidas, Calving Klein (often is underwear), Tommy Hilfiger, Timblerlands and other trendy brands
-Usually has private Instagram account where she does "crazy" or "edgy" things
*Guy1 and Guy2 talk about finding GFs*
Guy1: What you think about that girl Clara? She seems cute.
Guy2: Dont be with her, I've heard she's Basic Bitch.
by MrCockinstainMcGayest August 9, 2018
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A stereotypical teenage girl who has no sense of independence and often dresses, acts, and does exactly the same thing as every other teenage girl. The most irritating fact about a basic bitch is that they wear contradictory clothing. For example:

1. Wearing an over-sized sweater with uggs and shorts. Why are you wearing shorts if you are cold?

2. Wearing the tightest yoga pants/leggings they can find, then complaining when guys stare at their ass. You can clearly see their underwear through this and for the record, leggings shouldn't be worn as pants.

3. Wearing a long T-shirt and short shorts in the "Oops" style fashion trend sweeping the country. News flash to the basic bitch, a long shirt does not constitute a dress. It looks trashy and basic.
Hey look, a Basic Bitch! Because I totally haven't seen anyone dressed like that in the last 5 fucking seconds.
by fuckbasicbitches September 22, 2015
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A girl who thinks she's special and important and hot, but is really bland and boring. She has to be the boss at all times and no one really likes her. She thinks all of the hot guys are into her, but really they think she's annoying and they want her to die.
Human: God! Sara is SUCH a Basic Bitch
Person: IKR! She spent all of yesterday posting selfies of herself at Bath and Body Works and freaking out when nobody liked it at first.
Human: Like I said, Basic Bitch
by ThatHumanOverThere June 3, 2017
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This is that white suburban girl whose prideful of laying her ass around all day and letting the genetics prevent her from being morbidly obese, or not. She takes pictures of everything, and when the miracle occurs that she leaves the house she will take pictures and snapchats of the endeavor to make sure the world knows. These journeys will include trips to Starbucks, chipotle or other appropriately 'basic' locations. She is jobless, and one wonders what exactly she does to kill so much time, but in all likelihood, you don't want to know.
That 'basic bitch' just took a picture of her Vanilla Bean with two pumps of raspberry at Starbucks, again.
by aarontheboss April 10, 2014
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A girl who is like everyone else or aims to be like everyone else. Wears clothing brands like Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger and also wears short shorts and highwaisted crap. Goes to Starbucks a lot and there Snapchat stories do not need to be looked at everyday as they only consist of coffee and selfies.
"Oi bro what do you think of that Rachael chick"?

"Seems like a bit of an irritating Basic Bitch"!
by i'mlikeheywhatsuphello October 12, 2015
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To be a Basic Bitch, you simply need some or all of the following:
1) No drive, ambition or fight in you. You're happy to coast through life, doing basic things, having basic things and going basic places.

2) You're scared, you're scared of what everyone thinks about you. You couldn't possible do, be, sound, dress or act different to everyone else because you're too scared of what people think.
3) You're a follower. You're unoriginal, you copy what everyone else wears, you go to where everyone else goes, you do what everyone else does, because again, you're too scared of what everyone else thinks.
4) You think you're better than everyone else. You have no class or sophistication.
5) Desperate for attention? Desperate for approval?... Basic Bitch.
6) You have no game! You're unable to talk to a member of the opposite sex, unless you know them. We all have moments of being shy, but if you never try, you'll never know, so you'll always be basic.

A Basic Bitch is NOT restricted to gender.
"He/she is still doing the same shit? Damn, what a Basic Bitch"

Me: "Hey, let's do something different tonight!"
You: "Nah, let's just go back to the same place as before"
Me: "You're such a basic bitch"
by Rlc18 December 23, 2014
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