Anna Bannana is commonly used to describe a male named Anna. The 'Bannana' part is used to let know that this Anna has a Bannana down there. Women do not have Bannanas.
Why, hello, my good male friend, Anna Bannana!
by 683928482 August 2, 2017
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Any small bikinni-style swim suit for men. Normally tight-fitting like a speedo.
Europeans like to wear bannana hammocks.
by Erik Aguilar January 29, 2004
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A bannana monkey is a person who is or acts like a lesbian
That girl with the overalls is such a bannana monkey
by russianphyco July 7, 2005
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A song by Raffi which talks about a fictional telephone that's a bannana
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, bannana phone
Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding, bannana phone
It's so appealing....
by Matt "geico" September 6, 2006
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a set of speedo's with a large penis inside
i hate when i go to the beach and i see some lame ass in a bannana hamick walking around selling cocaine
by stoph March 2, 2004
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the act of sticking your penis so far in a girls vagina that you automatically cum.
dude 1:guess what?

dude 2:what

dude1 i bannana creampied my girl friend

dude 2: that sucks...
by meermermeem October 17, 2011
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An ranga boy who is not very nice. And has some what bannana legs.
"Oh look it's ranga bannana".
by Gejxbeueb August 27, 2017
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