Behind You Other People Exist: Used when people become so goal focused that they only think of themselves and their current needs such that they fail to realize that other people behind them also (a) exist (b) have goals. Common BYOPE scenarios include driving, grocery store shopping, cell phone usage, drop off and pick up car lines, and walking in public places. BYOPE can also be used as a general metaphor for how driven people relate to their subordinates.
Grocery shopping the day before Thanksgiving was a total mistake. It took me ten extra minutes to just get in the store because of all the people fondling the loss leader items and memorizing the weekly circular. I shouted "BYOPE!" and then the jam subsided when the fondlers /memorizers realized that all of us need to get our shopping done, too.
by Elizabeth L. Haines January 30, 2014
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"Bring your own pen"

An acronym used in Geocaching, indicating that part of the cache in subject involves a paper log to sign. At times, this cache may contain only the log - bring something to write with if you hope to prove to others you found it, and don't be disappointed.
Mark: Going geocaching? Don't forget to BYOP. Remember last time.
Caitlin: Right. If I only brought a pen with me, I could have been the last person to sign that cache. Darn it...
by Cake the Geocacher June 1, 2011
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Man the other day in calculus our teacher said byop for our Saturday study session
by swiss beets May 2, 2010
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BYOP- Bring Your Own Paint
In paintball, the act of a paintball field allowing it's paintballers to bring their own paintballs instead of having to buy the field's paintballs.
Guy: Dude, do we have to buy the field's paint?
Guy2: No, it's byop!
by I am da king August 4, 2009
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1. "Bring Your Own Pussy" In the event of a sausege fest, dudes must bring their own bitches if they want to be up ins a lady.
Hey man, this is going to be a sausage fest. This shit is gonna be BYOP. Sorry mang.
by Jimney "Zip" Axlerod April 2, 2008
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Jk: Yeah you can come over

some girl: iaght then-
Jk: remember to BYOP because i dont have any
by bbrrrahhh April 29, 2021
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