Stands for blue screen of death

A commonly misunderstood error message on windows systems that does not mean a crash has occured, rather it warns you of a problem on the system, tells you what the problem is, what to do about it, and shuts down the OS to prevent damage.

Another common mistake associated with the BSOD is that all your unsaved data is gone afterwards. not true. all new windows systems have a feature called Recovery which allows you to recover unsaved files after a BSOD.

Thanks to a feature called safe mode, users have the ability to delete or repair damaged or infected files after a BSOD without damage being done to their system.

Unlike Windows, Mac OSX does not have a warning screen telling you of a problem, it just continues running until a crash occurs.
well i got a BSOD and it appears as though that file i downloaded has a fatal virus. better go into safe mode and delete it.
by teh_h4xt0r June 7, 2009
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Blue Screen of Death. The last thing any PC user wants to see. Often happens when the CPU or RAM is overclocked due to a program, but more often than not it happens when you try to run a program that your shiny new 500 Terrabite Jet-engine powered computer hasn't seen before. (i.e a Super Mario Game from the 90s)
Try to run Age of Mythology on a super computer. There's your example of a BSOD.
by John?Maybe April 2, 2011
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The somewhat irate feeling that a Windows user feels towards their computer whenever a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) appears.
Facebook Status: "OMG, OMG, totes BSODded by my Windows comp. Makes me love the BSOD every time."

Shakespearian Iambic Pentameter:

"The shrewd device alas,
The box be BSODded must.
For blue screens serve to entertain,
The Lark its escape it must attain."
by Mac_PJW August 9, 2009
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The Blue Screen of Death, usually appears when your computer is too old to run or your cat stepped on your keyboard and causes it, nowadays, the BSoD has a frowny face on it.
You: just playing Roblox on my computer.
BSoD appears
Your computer ran into a problem and needs to restart. We're just collecting some error info and then we'll restart for you
by the dustyjacobs company™ October 12, 2019
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Better Sounding On Drugs.

The Stylings of Steve Duda vs. Deadmau5
"Dude, did you hear that new song?"
"Yeah the on by Deadmau5!
"That song is way BSOD"
by aamacardi May 19, 2009
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the biggest reason to run linux or mac os, other than viruses.

similar to:
Bsod is one thing windows can do that Mac OS and Linux can't.
by 005david August 19, 2007
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