describing a certain school that sucks ass and causes cancer, produces many dumb children and may cause insanity. worst fucking place and poorer then the poorest place in mexico.
BS is poorer then a third world country
by 14352grsadgv April 29, 2006
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A Bachelor's degree in a bullshit field of study.
Usually said in reference to a college degree that was simply obtained to get a job or just to say that you have one.
Person 1: I heard you graduated recently. Congrats! What degree did you get?
Person 2: A BS in BS.
by SchoolIsForFools December 26, 2020
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1. it stands for BULLSHIT
2. it is said when someone tells a lie
3. it is used when someone says something to suck-up
4. it is said when you literally see bull poo
5. a term used when you have to speak or write for a certain length and you have nothing better to say.
1. bullshit
2. "the sky is green"
3. "OMG, your dress is the prettiest thing i've ever seen"
4. I see bullshit on the ground
5. I can't write a 5 page essay on why 1 + 1 = 2. Therefore, I'll BS my way through
by Connotator May 5, 2005
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An abbreviation of the word bullshit, wich can also be used quite fittingly as an abbreviation of Britney Spears.
Dude: This channel blows. It's nothing but a load of BS.
Dude2:Look! there she is!
by SOS March 19, 2005
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stands for:
1. bullshit
2. backstab (mostly in online gaming)
1. that was total bs
2. no bs in game
by definerX April 8, 2007
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bs is a card game (more than one persons)
you pass out all the cards in a deck to each player(doesnt' matter how many players)then you go around in a circle and place down (in order) all the cards you have..Aces.2's.3's and so on if you think someone is lying by the cards they say they have you say "bs" and if they were telling the truth then you take all the cards in the middle if they wern't telling the truth THEY take all the cards . the first person to get rid of all their cards first wins
by tAyLoR jOhNsToN August 23, 2004
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"bull shit", or a name for a friend.

a person who is musically talented and is usually a great friend.
wow, that bs is such an amazing flute player! i heard she plays piccolo too. she should be section leader in marching band...oh wait she already is!!
by tears_of_blood July 9, 2009
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