Atiku --adjective someone who has been abandoned by his or her family, people or associates etc
example my girl atikued me at the park.
by conewear January 15, 2011
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Thief, someone whose propensity to steal is unrivaled
When the pandemic struck and lockdown measures were imposed in most countries of the world, young Atikus (burglars, bag snatchers etc.) have had it pretty tough. Now that these measures are gradually being eased, store owners have to be extra-careful as the major Atiku will be on rampage.
by Sharaap-its-ova September 24, 2020
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A man receiving people that he's different from others whereas he is worse, a pretender
He is being Atikued
He is running from many atiku
by Peacelover May 7, 2021
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