Alexine, originating from Greek. Meaning, "defending men". Usually the name given to a gorgeous woman who can captivate any man with her mesmerizing hazel eyes. The type of woman who has an old soul and will make you laugh and smile for hours. Be careful with Alexine guys, her smile will melt any mans heart. This lady has a great personality and goals gentlemen. She's family oriented, loves to read, nerdy, sexy, spicy, loyal, outgoing and smarter than you.
All the guys stopped dead in their tracks. Alexine must've walked into the room.
by GL87 May 21, 2017
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Alexine comes from the name Alexander and means 'protector of humanity'. She is mostly a woman who knows what she wants and isn't there to play any games. If she wants something she will defenently Go and get it. She has a warm soul, and a heart made of pure gold. If you need her she's there. She can be your ears, a shoulder to cry on, a person who will hug you a thousend times en will tell you that you're perfectly imperfect. She will try to take all your troubles away cause she's empathetic, and wants to see her people happy. She's a crazy person in the good way, she's the kind that will turn your life around, and it will never be the same. Her eyes take you away in outher space. She sees the beautiful things, and makes you see them too. She enjoyes life at the fullest, she sets you free, and helps you take the step you need, she's your light in the dark. At a young age she can get lost but she will find her way, and grow into a confident, powerfull, consistent woman, who will do anything for the person she loves. But don't take her for granted cuz, ones she decides to leave, she's gone. You must be Lucky to have a girl in your life, named Alexine. As a mother she is a gardiant angel and bakes the best cookies.
Daammnnn Alexine is in the house time to partyyy!

Eyes that will take you away and a smile that will bring you home, that's the definition of Alexine

Who's that girl? Dude that's Alexine
by saotomérose November 22, 2021
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Some badass bitch who will literally drop kick you if you're annoying, will chill and watch anime with you if you're not.

She likes food a lot too :))
Ayo is that Alexine??

Damnn, is Alexine's eating noodles today
by Akiehh November 22, 2021
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A gal who is deeply obsessed with gay animu idols but please excuse her cause she is actually a cute and very caring mom who'll do anything to protect u :) (if you're nice with her ofc)
Oh damn Alexine is totally slaying my life!
by Eroibitchhhhhhhh😘 December 27, 2016
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