A smart, compassionate, and talented girl. She might seem shy at first, but once you get to know her, she is super hyper and talkative. She is great at singing, drawing, and most sports like basketball and cheerleading. She also likes playing the flute. Her hair is incredibly soft and her eyes are just so beautiful you can’t look away. If you have an Alexa, you are so lucky.
Person 1: Alexa is the most perfect girlfriend ever!
Person 2: I wish I had an Alexa!
Person 3: Me too!
by Random-person213709 November 22, 2018
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A wonderful, sweet person that will make your day shine brighter than a shooting star. She’s adorable, along with huggable, and good at wrestling 😜. If you ever end up meeting her, she will blow you away with her entertainment and amazing personality. She’s always good with your secrets and makes sure you will never get hurt. She’s great 😂
“Alexa is my bffl, and always will be”
“Alexa made my day, isn’t she just great?”
“I love Alexa so muchhh”
by Strattonoe October 6, 2018
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So the best person you will ever meet will be alexa she is so pretty and kind and her eyes are more shining then diamonds and she’s has he best smile ever she may entend to say she’s is ugly but she isn’t so makeing friends with Alexa will be really easy cause she has a really good personality
by Helen172 February 25, 2019
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A girl who waits to be noticed and some might say she is aloof and possibly a "loner"... They would be WRONG!

She doesn't trust others easily, but once you are a friend - she has your back no matter the obstacle. Inside her, 2 people exist - the creative, emotional artist and the survivor who will protect herself by putting up walls of indifference. She can be a little shy, and doesn't have many best friends, but once you get to know her, she is the best girlfriend to ever have. She can be very nice and polite or be in her own world - not really seeing you. She loves art, but physical activities aren't her favorite. She is very attractive but she doesn't know she is and won't readily believe you when you say otherwise. Alexa is unique - she can fight along side you BUT if you dare commit a grievance against her....

You will be cut out of her existence!
Alexa stepped in to protect her mother and punched him in the face!
by Cami2401 May 17, 2019
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Alexa is the most amazing girl you will ever meet. She will bash herself and say she's ugly, fat, mean, worthless but never let her think that. If you ever become friends with an Alexa never let her leave. She will always be there for you and fight your demons with you. She's so amazing and will get all the guys. She will always say she's not great, but she's amazing. Always remind her.
I love Alexa. She's just amazing. I don't know what I would do without her.
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She is a great girl and really athletic. Really scared for a realitionship because she always gets played but when the man leaves her he wants her back. She is really self-conscious about her body and the way she looks. She is beautiful and tries her hardest to make people happy. She is kind caring funny stupid but smart and tries her hardest to be happy. When she is sad she makes others happy so they don't have to feel the way she does.
I had Alexa but we broke up and since then something has been missing
by Hjkefddhjgfv November 28, 2019
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She’s one of the weirdest people you’ll ever meet...She’s annoying at times but love to have fun! Long hazel brown hair with brownish green eyes. She loves to have long night class with her best friends. She also is one of the sweetest people you’ll meet!

She isn’t afraid to share her opinion and will not hide her feelings...
Man... I had a date with Alexa, I’ll never let her go!
by Oki_lover420 June 3, 2019
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