A sound cloud meme rapper here to exterminate pedophiles and be careful he might finesse your grandma and take her out to a four course meal!
by ✩JUPITER✩ July 13, 2018
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A soundcloud meme rapper here to protect your neighborhood from pedophiles and what out he'll take your grandma out for a four course meal!
by ✩JUPITER✩ July 13, 2018
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Jupiter is the best person you'll ever meet, they like to hang out with their friends. Jupiters could get pretty aggressive sometimes and will only be mean to you if you get on their bad side, they're also the nicest person you could ever meet! although Jupiters are sometimes sad and when that happens they never want to see anyone but they also want someone to tell them its okay. If you have a Jupiter, take care of them and dont lose them! they are very protective of their friends and will get mad if u mess with them. They love hugging people and talking.
Person 1: woah! have you seen that person? they look cool

Person 2: Yeah that's Jupiter! They're actually my friend, all i can say is that im very lucky to have them.

Person 1: i'm gonna go talk to them!
by helloiamcoolright September 27, 2021
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adj: Large or incredibly awesome. The best.

Eric: I had us tickets to a Van Halen show but they were stolen.

Shane: Jupiter! I love Van Halen I can't wait!
by et87 April 25, 2009
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A city north of West Palm Beach, FL, located at the top of Palm Beach County. A great place to live. Lots of great restaurants as well.
Lets drive to Jupiter.
by Jackie January 17, 2005
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