Someone whom emotionally murders those they come in contact with.
The way Jaylin manipulates people makes her an emotional Hitler.
by Queer baiting December 20, 2018
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to change from one stereo type - usually the teacher's pet/honor student - to emo (normally a highschool freshman or an 8th grader); adding an emoticon - like and smiley :) or a wink ;) - to a text message, IM, etc.
"you know that kid jimmy? I remember last year he used to be the pefect little goody-two-shoes, but now he's totally emo. He had a complete emotization, what a douche."
by obamapproved May 24, 2009
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Forcing your emotions on someone to intentionally make them feel bad.
My mom has been emotioning me into thinking I did something wrong, when really she’s being over dramatic.”
by Texaschic123 September 13, 2019
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When your emotions start getting deep and they start controlling your emotions and you feel so many emotions in one minute that is just makes you feel emotionless with too much emotion
by blxck•silxnce October 2, 2019
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When you’re so sensitive and feel too many emotions you end up binge eating
by Zoyka5 December 4, 2022
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When you spill your guts and reveal everything you've been feeling and holding inside you. This can be an angry outburst, but is usually a case of telling the object of your desire of how deep your affections go. After the emotional throw up, one usually feels a lot better as they got a weight off their chest.
To bring myself closure I sent my ex a message of emotional throwup and now I feel much better.

I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymorrrre!!!
by KanuhaK April 19, 2017
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When one completely obliterates another's emotions
Don't even get me started son before i Naturally disaster your emotions
by SWAGAHOLIC + 100 January 10, 2012
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