Acquiring food when you are really hungry
I'm really hungry and need a Feed-fix
by Butterflymorph28 August 6, 2021
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To do something utterly disgusting but also required. The expression came about when a guy was sharing a small hotel room with his new girlfriend. After passing a stool in the morning, he discovered that the flush didn't work. Rather than face the embarrassment of letting his new flame witness his morning defecation, he dropped to his knees, grabbed the turd and manually fed it through the u-bend.
"I really don't want to do this but I've got to feed the u"
by horndog2017 July 5, 2017
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i ate a dirty ol feed last night and now my asshole hurts from shitting
by site2resident April 11, 2023
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When a connection is said to be present; but is clearly missing.
John spent the entire weekend trying to fix a Ghost Feed, when all he had to do was reset his router.
by ReaverW October 20, 2010
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1. The short song sang by candace from phineas and ferb in the episode What do it do? after she thinks she has busted phineas and ferb
1. Its a Busting feeding frenzy stay outta the water!
by platypussy_licker May 3, 2019
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A fat cat that loves milk, fish, and sleep. He's pretty calm and won't do much to stop him from petting you. He is ok with dogs that he is familiar with, but in any other case he murders. He's the oldest out of his siblings and takes care of hem, but he will steal their food the first chance he gets. "Does he poop in a liter box" No, he poops in any yard except the owners which is good, but at the same time bad when your neighbors find his poop on their new door-mat. In conclusion, Mr. Feed me's are the best kind of cats :)
by teardvrpz April 9, 2022
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slang that a busty stripper, hooter girl or female bartender uses to suggest a tip.
Hooter girl leans over and shows her cleavage and states "feed the puppies" after she serves you a beer.
by RonMark46 December 27, 2013
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