Vocalization of a dog , particularly dogs like malamutes or other Northern, wolfy breeds, which sounds akin to howling, and is the actual sound they make. This is distinct from barking, or to dogs which make vocal noises that sound like “arf”, “woof” or “ruff” .
Every time I’m making chicken, my dog comes in and woos at me to feed her some.

My dog was wooing at the door when I came home.
by Lil’ Death Bear June 4, 2021
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the bully is really a woos and only talks like he has courage
by drjill October 21, 2018
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Wooo- we on our own
by Stickonthehip December 13, 2021
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A different way of saying 'not'
Used to show that a statement was said sarcastically
Often paired with the 🤙 hand sign
**stuck behind someone walking slow
You: "Ay she's fast tho"
Friend: "Yeah 🤙 woo"
by dcggdn March 16, 2021
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If you see a nigga dripped out, with mob ties and shiet. Yeah, he do one, you can call him Woo. Every OG can be called Woo.
- Yo', you saw this guy in Raf Simmons outside the club?
- Yeah, man. I think he got the strap.
- Could have, he definetly fuckin' Woo
by young dripper November 26, 2021
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Somebody who cancels plans on you or doesn’t follow the link up
damn are you going to woo again tonight?”
by March 10, 2021
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A short way of saying woochang
1. Something that is funny as fuck in a tweaker way
2. Some lit hype shit
"Woo! dawg that's trippy af"
"Yo this bud is hella woo! we got so high last night we were tweaking the fuck out!"
by adjhgoeirafop September 10, 2019
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