Is a sentence used in jest or seriousness describing an individual not doing well in life; Especially in the areas of career, love, finances, personal problems and the like.
"look at you man!, you're a fucking wreck: you lost your job, your wife, you are in serious debt, and smoking crack non stop!...I'd hate to say it, but you fucking suck at life!!"
by mackadilly June 4, 2008
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So do you fuck with the war? She's like : no I don't fuck with the war!
by Suckmydixk666 August 1, 2017
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What your average chav/brit says after his pal did something retarded, caused himself some trouble, or is about to get his ass kicked because he said some dumb shit.

American translation: "You dun goof'd"
Gavino: "Fuck your mother you petty lil twat!"
Chav: "You fucked up mate. I'm going to kick your cheeky lil cunt so hard i swear on my mum's life."


Mark: "I just got a 300 pound fine for parking in the wrong spot!!!"
Chav: "You fucked up mate."
by odah July 14, 2014
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Jee: Wanna practice today?
Doc: Are you fucking my dick?! we practiced all day yesterday. give me a break
Jee: come on brotha, we need to practice 8 days a week to be champs brotha
Doc: stop saying brotha like your black or something, and there is only 7 days in a week
Jee: ARE YOU FUCKING MY DICK......hit it brotha!!!
by wissstates10 May 20, 2010
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An exclaimation showing extreme frustration or hatred towards the person being told.
"Hey, you fucking asshole! Give me my fucking certificate. You were supposed to give it to me a year ago. How do you even keep your shitty, piece of crap, buisness running when you cant even do what you're fucking supposed to, you fucking pothead."
by Jolee Bindo May 16, 2005
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is another way of asking that person if he or she/tranii has more than 56 chromosomes.

(often a question said to a best friend)
jerry: your a queer
jeffery: what are you fucking gey?
jerry: i mean... i do have 145 chromosomes so... ya
by canada_post February 14, 2017
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Know or understand what the first landmass ever was Pangea
Do you fuck with Pangea?


This bisch don’t know about Pangea
by !Ifoundyou! August 27, 2021
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