-noun weyt-los
Peeing, pooping and sweating more than you eat.

Origin: 2006; weight+ -loss
"I only had a salad for dinner, and I just dropped a one pound brown out my crown. Wow, that means weight loss."
by wally_moot October 6, 2006
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A physical fitness fanatic in the military who believes that six-pack abs, blond hair, blue eyes, Teutonic good looks, and 12% bodyfat will ensure his suvival in combat, his promotion in peacetime and a place in Valhalla in the afterlife; everyone else who doesn't look like a recruiting posterboy should have been a candidate for prenatal eugenics.
Hey, Master Chief...you might want to take the long way to building 501...there's a weight nazi hiding in the bushes a block up ambushing sailors with a tape....it's that same shitweasel who is pushing to switch the whole PRT system to metric!
by harry flashman July 10, 2003
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A relationship that has gotten way too heavy, typically with one person being the cause for unfathomable drama.
What an asshole! She's better off though, at least she's done with the dead weight.
by Woe is me. August 6, 2010
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the weight gained by a spouse after marriage occurring more in females.
Jimmy married Holly, the perfect sized girl. After things settled down she gained her wedding weight, making her a little more than he could handle.
by George Hans May 31, 2008
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The weight you gain from eating all the delicious food you can get your hands on(muchies) while you are high.
Example 1:
Fred gained like 6 pounds of weed weight after spending the weekend mega stoned and eating.

Example 2:
Hey bro, let's go running, I need to burn off all this weed weight.
by A-damn-69 October 29, 2008
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fake weight that is caused by you being filled with urine or just have drunk alot of water.
dude, i gained like two pounds this week.

no worries, just water weight
by BMO-is-awesome! May 25, 2014
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v.To do a good job of a hard task. To achieve something beyond your capabilities
Wow Ben you really pulled weight in that exam today
You're playing goal tonight? Dude, pull weight, that team is good
by Bunyip October 17, 2007
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