"Did you see Annie's status update on facebook today? She's an orphan now!"
by newsvava February 11, 2009
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When something is updated without notice, like your video game or your rubric for your paper, making you fail
Ex.1 Dude 1: DUDE! I cant join the server! Did steam ninja update the game?
Dude 2: Yeah, they do that alot

Dude 1: DUDE! My professor updated the rubric for the paper without telling us! I am totally gonna fail!
Dude 2: Sucks for you.
by Darku October 28, 2010
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the act of spying a fine specimen of the fairer sex undressing without having first closed the curtains.
"hey man, come here and look over the road... serious windows update!"
by Catachresis June 4, 2004
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an up-date whore is some one who is non-stop Facebook or tweet updating from a computer or phone

some update whores are a long range from tennagers with gf's / bf's kids who just got a facebook and dosent know what an update whore is or an lonely person who dosent have a life and all there updates are farm-ville
update whore: Im getting in the show (1 min ago)
ten minutes later
Update whore: just got out of the shower ( 1 min ago)

update whore: Watching tv
update whore: just finished my show
by J_marie_m April 25, 2011
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Something that a bunch of hyped up on Starbuck's coffee Bill Gates employees should have thought of in foresight
Bob: Hey Chris, let's run down to Starbuck's and then go by the office supply store on the way back. I wanna get one the new Star Trek pocket protectors while they have some left.

Chris: Yeah, that sounds cool dude. Let's just blow all this off. We can always make like a Windows Update type thing for this shit.

Bob: Haha..yeah. hahaha

Chris: Yeah, haha. Screw this. Hey, I got first dibs on the Warf pocket protector...
by Super Gerbil October 30, 2003
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The one day, usually every month or so, where you finally crack, and update Adobe, Itunes, Steam, and a bunch of other crap all day. Basically renders your computer useless if you are using anything but solitaire.
God dammit! iTunes wants me too update! And Steam too! I guess it is update day again.
by Captain Jack Mehoff April 13, 2013
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