the unknown chargers are a group of bodyboarders who live in sydney australia. they made a self titled video obviously called "the unknown chargers". they are called the unknown chargers coz they are sick bodyboarders but they arnt famous. someone who is given the title "unknown charger" whilst you and your mates are out in the water, it means he is a sick bodyboarder chargin all the gnarly waves n shit but fucken no one knows who he is and yous wonder y coz hes so good
Tommo: ben did you cunts make a dvd?
Ben: yeh lad we called it the unknown chargers
(you and ur mates out on an epic day of surf)
Tommo: whos that cunt hes fucken sick
Ben: hes a fucken unknown charger!
by benjohnson April 29, 2005
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Someone who uses toilet paper to cover the gaps in toilet stalls so people cannot look in and see them taking a dump. These people have tiny little penises.
Some unknown shitter used up all the TP and hung it on the stall.
by F R July 1, 2005
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A really big fat green fish that died and we flushed it down the toilet. Krabby Patty was happy that he died...He probably killed him..we don't know yet, the case is still being reviewed.
Man, we should parts unknown that dude, he is really gayness.
by Krabibi Patiti December 29, 2017
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1) A point of exploration in a relationship in which one does not know whether they want to be with their partner anymore.
2) A less harsh way to say "a break"
3) Allows for doubter to make out with other boys.
"I don't think I'll be able to trust you anymore."
"are we breaking up?"
"not really, we're in a period of great unknown."
by Jazmyn November 25, 2006
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In the social network society, the unknown best friend is a friend know only with his written words (private message or private chat).
The relationship with the unknown best friend is close, long and mutual, with solidarity, protection and compatibility.
It's forbidden and unnecessary meet your unknown best friend.
I write to my unknown best friend everyday, but I'll never see him (or her), because it's not important: I belong to him (or her) through the mutual solidarity.
by gericokiller March 12, 2010
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an amazing game. pussy ass fortnite players call it trash when hey never played it before.(if they have it’s usually only on xbox)
by pubg4lufeNate February 16, 2018
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Unknown President’s Day is similar to President’s Day, but specifically only for the ones that are pretty much never talked about. Like James Polk, James Garfield, James Buchanan, etc. Unkown President’s Day is on November 30th.
I celebrate Unknown President’s Day to remember the unremembered
by President Buren November 28, 2020
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