Something you need to make your, since you have no chance to survive.
by CyKairus October 1, 2003
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Something that never seems to be enough of. If you don't know what I mean, try working!
"The time is gone the song is over, thought I'd something more to say"
by Anonymous August 3, 2003
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used after a word describing an activity or place to indicate a commonly occurring event.
Lewis: Hey man, lets go to the sauna after we finish working out!
Allen: Ok, I'm up for some sauna times!
by Kevin Michael Park August 12, 2011
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a silly concept, contrary to popular belief is not constant. It slows down outside a bathroom door, but inside is going at a much faster pace.

Is also stretched when one is bored
"I was doing my business in the bathroom and when i had finished I found that time had passed alot faster outside and that Urban dictionary had taken over the world, shame really."
by slanted view September 25, 2009
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While very important in keeping track of the events that happen during the day, not important enough to pound on that.
by Todd May 18, 2004
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