The term used when a girls nipples become hard and erect from cold temperatures.
Jane:"It is FREEZING out there!!!"
John:"I can tell, cuz you have a Burry Ta-Ta"
by Trixieloo123 April 3, 2011
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fast form of to
Change outta dem cloze in ta sometin sexia
by Wolven March 29, 2003
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The act of being one with yourself by letting it all hang loose, literally on a specific day
i.e. Tuesday for Ta Ta Tuesdays
or Monday for Mooning Mondays
Random Friend: Hey dude, did you- Why are you naked?
Naked friend: Im getting in touch with myself, its Ta Ta Tuesdays!
by Jellybus February 21, 2009
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Superlative used to describe something which is good.

The more "ta"s the better something is.
James: What do you think of my new trainers? selecccta??
Susan: Yes boomting, selecccta-ta
James: Yeehh selecccta-ta-ta...
Susan: Ye selecccta-ta-ta-ta...
James: selecccta.
Susan: yes Boomtings, selecccta-ta-ta-ta!!!
by JammyJamTheDodger October 9, 2009
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Toxic Anger Syndrome

individuals who struggle with anger management problems, otherwise known as Toxic Anger Syndrome
Bob: I dont have a damn anger problem I hate people who cut me off!

Bob: I want that guy to pull over so that I can punch him in the face!

Roger:Man I think you have a anger problem

Roger: they call it "TAS" Toxic Anger Syndrome
by Steveo In OC November 16, 2010
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