Song selling takes place when a singer-songwriter earns money in exchange for the rights to use his or her original music, often to a (more) famous, or up-and-coming, recording artist.

If a singer-songwriter has written a catchy song but seems to fall short on vocal or instrumental ability, a listener might say, "you should sell your song." Hearing this can be extremely disheartening for singer-songwriters, especially those who are still developing their talents, or have not yet enjoyed their fifteen minutes of fame.
Why does song selling even exist? Any band or singer who is worth their weight can write their own songs.
by D.S. Credito March 9, 2015
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Derived from the legend that a swan is mute until moments before death during which it sings a beautiful song, a swan song is an action ending something epic.
After the concert, they said they would never perform together again. That concert was their swan song.
by thisformisstupid July 29, 2005
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When someone sings a particularly annoying or catchy song and geta it stuck in your head
Song Terrorist :"Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with your pants on the ground."
You: God Damn it i hate that song!

(5 min. later)

You: Pants on the groud, pants on the ground....NOOOOOO!
by spaceyvelvetmuse February 1, 2010
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A book written by Madeline Miller that is written from the point of view of Patroclus, a close friend and lover of the famous Achilles. The book made many people sob their eyes out and educated them, since Miller did extensive historical research for the book. It's a very well-written book and is a favorite to millions.
Person 1: Hey, have you read Song of Achilles?
Person 2: No, I haven't. Is it good?
Person 1: Oh yeah it's great! It made me sob for a whole hour when I finished! So heart-wrenching!
by OceanicKai8759 June 17, 2021
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A hex song is a bewitched or cursed song which brings a feeling of unrelenting paranoia and bad luck to a given situation dependant on a single persons experience and preference. The verb “hex” dates back to 19th century Germany.
“I can’t play hotel California when driving, it’s bad luck, it’s my hex song.”
by Mrhex January 6, 2018
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This is a song written from the perspective of a weeaboo (a person who denounces their own culture in favor of the Japanese culture), and incorporates lots of brutal honesty in summarizing the true day-to-day life of a weeaboo.
-Pink Guy
"So i made my avatar a kawaii waifu"
-verse from weeaboo song
by Sand Acres March 21, 2016
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A national anthem for all the nerds out there. You can dance to this song wherever and whenever and even with your rubber duck. Just remember: the first duck song is the best.
5 year old says 'The duck song is a bop!'
nerdy 14 year old 'OMG!!It is lit.'
by quacking up with laughter April 13, 2019
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