Having one's head so far up their boss's ass and still being able to breathe out his nostrils when the boss is standing in 5 feet of water!
Gregg Goings was butt snorkeling again at lunch today.
by Therickman December 17, 2003
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A device used to prevent being suffocated by her gunt.
When your down eating a chick out (cunnilingus) and she smashes your face into her pussy, the Nose Snorkel will prevent her gunt from smothering your nose, and allow you to breath.
by Knot Chaos January 10, 2012
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The act of having your testicles in your partners mouth while they proceed to jerk you off.
I just got the best snorkel mask from Nora last night.
by jodem January 5, 2008
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the man sits on the girl with his ass on her face. The mans asshole acts as the airhole with the balls over the eyes as goggles. The penis extends above her head so it looks like a snorkel.
We couldn't afford to go snorkeling in the caribbean, so i surprised her with a tasmanian snorkel at home.
by Family Style February 14, 2008
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El Toro- " She sure has a pretty mouth!"
Ray- " Yeah...she might not have starred in "Deliverance", but she knows how to work the land snorkel."
by Juan Nutt March 8, 2011
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A blowjob performed underwater.
The weather in Maui sucked, but I got a turtle snorkel in Napili Bay, so the trip was worth it.
by CountRugen May 3, 2009
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when you and your sexual partner are in a hottub, and one (or potentionally both) of you proceed to hold your breath, go under water, and perform oral sex on the other for as long as you can hold your breath.
1. How was your date yesterday? Did you guys go in the hottub?
2. Actually, I McLain Snorkel'd her!
by dystopyan December 10, 2018
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