When a sexy bitch rubs her thicc ass up and down your face and farts.
Horny Guy: Ohhhhh yeahhh, rub it up and down my face!
Girl: *Rubs it up and down his face and farts*
No longer a horny guy: Wtf? I didn't pay yo stanky ass to give me an upsie rubsie oopsie
by Fighting_Remnant February 24, 2020
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when you are having anal, make it seem like you are going to blow a load in the chicks ass, but "slip" and instead blow a load in the chicks pussy. this gets them very mad
Im pissed at Josh, he messsed up my cream pie, and made it an oopsie cream pie.
by Kirby® May 28, 2007
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A vigina that has hair only around its self rather then spread out in the area.
Curtis "Woah that reminds me of an oopsy bear!"

Kealie "shutup!"
by Kriatosy August 20, 2008
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Someone new to FB that has yet to learn how to send a private message via the "message" option on the intended recipients profile. Instead, this newbie posts the private message on their status update. Ooopsie!
Granddaughter, "Grandma, I think you did a Newbie FB Oopsie! You didn't mean to ask EVERYONE how their trip to Florida was....right?"
Grandmother, "Oh dear, I meant to send that to my friend Louise."
by Lolita75 January 13, 2010
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