btw! no lo/lette is better than another for those of you who think they are.. not trying to be disrespectful to any of my fam! even violent j said that we are all equal.. there is no ranking in our fam guys.
btw! for those of you who think treatin ppl that we've never met like fam cuz they are los/lettes is stupid, maybe you should give it a try! your life might be more fulfilling if you treat ppl with respect instead of hating on them! and in our own way we are bringing masses of ppl together who love each other regardless (at least we are spose to.) it's more than we can say of the rest of society who kills each other over petty differences like the kind of lifestyle they live or the music they love or the way they dress! i'm a lette and i accept anyone who accepts me! fam or not! and for the ones in our fam who do things that even most of our fam don't approve of.. well, i don't condone any of the violence or acts of them, but i believe that you are a product of your environment. if someone is hated on their whole life, or lives in a ghetto, or has abusive parents then they are lucky to get out without being at least somewhat messed up! to those ppl, their clown fam is all they got! MMFCL, yall!
person who thinks they are a better lo/lette: i'ma betta lo/lette cuz i gotz tons of merchandise and know all of the lyrics ever written by (enter psychopathic artist here.)
juggalo/juggalette : none of that matters! what matters is your down with the clown and your down for life! that you have a fam you would die for and they would do the same for you! MMFWCL!
by psycholette September 16, 2008
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Term that was used after Insane Clown Posse sang "The Juggla" on stage, and has been used since to describe both their fans and people who follow a lifestyle similar to that of the Juggalo style.
To be a Juggalo/Juggalette is something that as has been said... you have to be one to truly understand. But I'll try to explain for the ignorant people who refuse to open their eyes.

1) You don't HAVE to listen to JUST Insane Clown Posse or other Psychopathic Records artists, we Juggalos and Juggalettes have very wide-ranging tastes. I myself like Alien Ant Farm, Metallica, Sum41, Dimmu Borgir, Guns n' Roses (Their old music), Journey, and Pantera.

2) Yes, we DO consider complete strangers as family just because they like the same music, we see them as both family and friend. I'm sure you country, rap, rock, and pop fans feel the same about your friends as well.

3) No we truly don't give a shit about your lameass opinions because everyone has an opinion and opinions are worth about as much as a pile of horseshit. Why do we react when you make fun of our music? Well shit, if I dissed your piece of shit Jonas Brothers you'd get pissed off too because it's something you like.

4) We accept everybody, do we sometimes put things in our songs that might be better left unsaid like necrophilia? Well it all really depends on the situation because we wouldn't play a song like that at a funeral anyways, the way ignorant haters would like to believe. We DO in fact have feelings and understand when something is or is not ok.

5) Yeah, we do stupid shit... alot. But you see the trouble with trouble is that it starts out as fun. And the trouble with fun is that it gets you in trouble. We get into fights for the same reason anyone does, either because we were provoked or because we have a problem with someone (which we address the problem before said fight) and will resolve the problem the way a black man would if you were to be racist and use the "N word" to him. We don't start fights without a reason and while it may not be the greatest reason, at least we have one.

6) We watch out for our friends and family (blood related, by marriage, by adoption, or our Psychopathic brethren). Just like you would.

MMFWCL = Much Mutha Fuckin' Wicked Clown Love

Lots of support to my Psychopathic family, MMFWCL

P.S. Send me an email if you have any more questions.
by GotikJuggalo April 1, 2009
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Guttersnipe, somebody who doesn't jump on the bandwagon. A guy who doesn't pick and chose his freaks. Somebody who isn't stuck up. Somebody who says whats up to somebody else who wears the hatchetman. An enemy of yours is an enemy of mine type of attitude. All for one, one for all. Somebody who doesn't need to be knocked off his high-horse.
People who pick on me feel bigger by doing that, because I am a juggalo.
by Hector Rico August 14, 2005
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A juggalo/ette is someone who iz down wit da clown. We get dissed by haterz a lot who know nuthin bout what we have to got threw in life. Sometimez we wear clown make-up and we like 2 drink Faygo cuz' itz da best kinda drink there iz!!! All juggaloz/ettez are family cuz' we have 2 stick 2gether not just cuz' we lisen 2 da same music no were family cuz' we have similar intrests and we have 2 go threw a lot of the same thingz in life. We dont giv a fuck unless u dis us or our family. Haters say if u dont giv a fuck den how come when we say somthin bout icp or juggalos u get mad well how would u like it if i came over and dissed ur family!?! And i h8 Juggahoez and Juffaloz who claim their a juggalo/ette 2 get attention and no nothing bout icp.
juggalo/juggalette SO MMFWCL ninjaz im gonna go2 Shangr-la so cya
by Imajuggalette4life August 10, 2008
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Someone who is an outcast, or is rejected by his/her peers.

Term originally coined by fans of the "Insane Clown Posse" a horror core rap group from Detroit Michigan on "Psychopathic records". The term Juggalo/Juggalette is often associate with people who are fans of artists that are on, or associated with, the record label known as "psychopathic records", but the term is considered much more than that.

To many people The term Juggalo or Juggalette refers not only to people who are fans of "psychopathic" music, but to anyone who has ever felt alone or out casted by their peers. To any one who has felt that they are different from everyone else in some way, to everyone who has thought they were strange, weird, or misunderstood.

The majority of these people are indeed fans of music from artists on the "psychopathic" record label, but there is much more to them, and this term means far more than can be explained here (if you want to know, actually take the time to talk to someone who claims to be a Juggalo/Juggalette).

all they to think and/or ask...before you judge...
A Juggalo/Juggalette is anyone you pass, that seems "off" "different" or "strange" OR any fan of ANY artist on "Psychopathic Records"

......"oh lets stay away from them...I hear they are Juggalos"

......"oh I'm an ignorant redneck piece of shit.....all Juggalos are ICP and Twiztid loving sheep, not to mention they are fat, full of acne, and stupid, lets stay away from them."

"yeah, I'd rather be fucking my sister anyhow...Juggalos are stupid."
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Juggalo/Lette Is A Hard Term To Define. Becuz We Are Anything And Everything We Want To Be. We Are Individuals Who Express Ourselves How We Want To When We Want To. And We Generally Share Some Of The Same Likes And Dislikes.

Juggaloism Is About Family. If A Lette Goes To A Lo And Asks For Help You Can Bet Your Bottom Dollar That Lo Will Help. We Stick To Our Family. And Fuck All The Rest.

And Its A Religion. A Way Of Life. A Way Of Thinking. A Way Of Just Holding Yourself Whenever Shit HAppens To You. I'm Not Saying We Dont Get Depressed. I'm SAying No Matter What We Are Dealing With Its Not As Bad Knowing That You Have Family There To Help You.

Juggalos/Lettes Can Be Any Stereotype (i.g. Goth, Punk, Skater, Emo, Gangster, MetalHead, Jock, Prep, Slut, Etc).
We Can Be Any Age (i.g From 1-1000 For all I Care)
We Can Listen To Whatever We Want To (From Christian Gospel To Satanic Ritualistic Chants)
Man We Are Whatever We Are Into. And You Can Only Understnad What I TRUELY Mean If You Are One Of The Family.
(to the juggalo helping the juggalette)

Juggalette: *runs Crying To The Lo*
Juggalo: Whats Wrong Ninjette?
Juggalette: *Tells Him Her Story*
Juggalo: Well What Do You Want Me To Do I'm Always Here To Help
Juggalette: Just Help Get Through This
Juggalo: Not A Problem Why Dont You Come Over And Sit And Calm Down?
Juggalette: Alright, Thanx

(yea may not be the best example but its a personal so I put it. Thats about it for the Juggalo/Juggalette as far as I can tell. Peace)

by Wafflez November 1, 2006
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1. (see bully) a person who has extreme prejudice against Insane Clown Posse fans/juggalos/juggalettes for the following reasons:

a. they got nothing better to do.
b. they think icp's music is annoying.
c. they hate rap.
d. they hate clowns.
e. a juggalo/juggalette has offended them and now they
feel as if all juggalos/juggalettes should be hunted
down like vermin.
f. their favorite band/singer/rapper dislikes icp.
g. they are very cruel and think that mocking someone
else's favorite music is fun.
h. actually its mostly because of letter a, e, and g.

(A Juggalo/Juggalette Hater may seem to be at an andvantage versus a Juggalo/Juggalette but that is only because the Juggalo/Juggalette doesn't know what music the Juggalo/Juggalette Hater listens to)
lo/lette Hater: ICP sucks! They wear gay make up and are
just a bunch fags who got no talent.
juggalette: Oh yeah, well, your gay so shut the fuck up!
lo/lette Hater: Is that all you can come up with you
little slut?
juggalo: Hey, I heard you listen to Britney spears.
lo/lette Hater: Huh? What!?! Ahh!!! No!!! Who told you?!
*sobs* Okay i give up, I give up. Just
leave me alone okay?
juaggalette: Ha! All Juggalo/Juggalette Haters are just a
bunch of fags.

by Unbiased Juggalo December 10, 2005
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