'Moving funiture' is a way to tell your buddys that you had sex with a hot girl friend after helping her to move house. In other words boasting to your buddys in the bar afterwards by saying "She really like moving" or "we moved the the funiture six times when I help her move in."
Alex:"Last night I helped Elizabeth move."
Graham: "How did it go?"
Alex: "We were moving furniture all night,six times in all! It made saturday at work so hard."
Graham: "Six times in one night you greedy bastard. I am glad work sucked."
by littel Jon March 5, 2007
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The act of smoking weed in the living room whilst pretending to assemble IKEA objects.
Wife: Dinner in three minutes

Husband: Ok, I'll be there. Just rearranging the furniture!
by IkeaBro85 January 4, 2014
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All the crap you need when you go out: hat, sunglasses, dog, bag, phone, drugs, coat, gloves, scarf, condoms,keys, comb, etc.
Woman: "Will you hurry up - we're going to be late."
Man: "Hang on while I get my street furniture"
by hellbell September 11, 2005
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1) Any pale faced, dark haired Oregonians that spend their free time reading up on the latest model assault rifle from their favorite retail gun producers

2) Someone who listens to hardcore so often, they think primal, animal grunts and roars is its own language.

3) A person who touts the qualities of his video game of choice, despite the fact that everyone he pleads with to play it has already passed judgement on the game.
1) Why is Steve reading up on the ak-74 again? He doesn't even own one! He's such a Patio Furniture.

2) I wish that patio Furniture would start talking in English instead of grunting at me. Ah crap, now he's biting my leg!

3) That damn Patio Furniture is going on about Everquest again, even though I already told him it's just a level treadmill.
by Crappywarrior March 29, 2004
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When a woman's breasts sag to their waist and/or further. They usually become smaller and wrinkly from beinging out of their original position.
Whoa! Your grandma's saggy tits really shows that she has a nasty case of furniture disease.
by Applesaucelord December 15, 2004
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Stools; a slightly cryptic way to talk about poop in polite company.
Man, I need to eat more fiber. I haven't seen bar furniture in days.

Dude, you should go shower, you totally smell like bar furniture.
by chinesedentist December 14, 2010
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