specific object; explicit and sole goal. Used to describe the reason one committed a particular act, especially if the motivation is somewhat unusual.
"Disaster capitalism" sometimes takes advantage of natural disasters, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. But in 1973, Pinochet and the US Central Intelligence Agency carried out a coup d'etat with the express purpose of imposing neoliberal policies against the democratic will of the Chilean people.
by Primus Intra Pares July 11, 2010
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Gender expression is exactly what is sounds like it is: the way you express your gender identity. Are you a woman? Wonderful! Does that automatically mean you love dresses and adore cat eyeliner? Nope. There are many ways to express one's gender identity whether heteronormative or gender-non-conforming! Historically, gender expression has been commodified and culturalized, dividing the population into either lipstick-lovin-ladies or motorcycle-muscle-men.

But wait--you pick a gender identity, does that mean your gender expression must conform to that identity at all times??? Hell no! Your gender expression can manifest any way you want it to! It's all up to the individual. Today: femme. Tomorrow: genderfuck.

Remember that gender identity includes, but is not limited to, identities such as 'woman' and 'man,' what would be called cisgender. Genderqueer identities are numerous: there is genderfuck and femme and gender fluid and gender neutral and agender and transgender and many more. For more examples, just go to your facebook page and check out the updates gender identification options (not that this list is entirely inclusive, but it'll provide you with a decent basis!)
Jaquan: Hey, Betty looks like a dude today. WTF?
Bailey: Yo, that's just her gender expression. Maybe she identifies as gender-non-comforming.

Jaquan: Oh, tight. Maybe tomorrow I'll wear a skirt.
Bailey: Hell yeah! Express yoself!
by knivesandglitter February 27, 2017
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Immediate relief for a painful vagina using Flexall 454 and Advil.

The female, even though experiencing tremendous vaginal pain, positions herself for doggy-style intercourse. The male lubricates his erect penis with Flexall 454 and commences intercourse. Whilst thrusting at over 95 mph, the male inserts two (2) Advil into the female's anus. The Advil and the Flexall 454 numb the female's vagina and permit the male to rapidly thrust for up to 27 consecutive years without further pain to the vagina.
My girl told me last night that she couldn't have sex with me because her vagina was hurting. I turned her around, lubed my dick with Flexall and stuck 2 Advil up her butt and gave her the ol' Ryan Express. For her, it was just a couple of Advil and them aches and pains were long gone.
by Donnie Greystone October 7, 2010
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A mysterious black hole in cyberspace, which swallows up development dollars and causes sales to vanish into nothingness.

Hits to its URL are said by experts to be rarer than Bigfoot sightings.
I opted into Ebay Express six months ago and haven't sold a freaking thing since.
by Degu July 11, 2008
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When you are raped by a gang of angry pandas.
John was never really the same after he got the panda express.
by Chris September 14, 2008
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The contortions of the facial structure elicited by an arduous shit.
Usually the result of constipation, diarrhea, or the dreaded constirrhea.
Max had madddd fecal expression after having those subway tacos.
by lbeesntdeirx March 11, 2013
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Those who insist on going through the supermarket line with 12 items when the line is for 10 items or less. These are the same holes that want to pay with a check in the "Cash Only" lane.
John is an express hole, he routinely attempts to check out through the 10 items or less express lane with 12 items.
by HanSoloRRT April 16, 2008
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