really stupid and lame and dumb and dissapointing and loserish and annoying and stupid and crappy and shitty and horseshitty and stupid and lame.
sounds even better when you say it with hecka
Aw man, thats hecka bunk.

Yo dawg, that chick was like, B-zunk!

Dude, right now im going to use a synonym for stupid lame dumb loserish and stupid.....buNk!
by Michael June 2, 2004
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Britney Spears' bottom junk, hence bunk.
Literal meaning: dirty, used, disease ridden.
Synonyms: 7:20 AM, gnarles bunkley, etc.
"Yo she's kinda hot"
"Nah man, she's so bunk, she hooked up with Stacy last weekend, that girl gets around"
"Oh, bunk. So, so bunk"
by Gnarles Barkley December 28, 2006
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the opposite of crunk; not cool and/or boring
Steve: "Mary said the party yesterday was crunk."
Chris: "Hell NO! That shit was bunk!"
by Vcast March 29, 2005
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Something that smells like a mix of shit, dirt, and polution. It can be applied to anything shity.
by Sara February 6, 2005
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something really shitty
or someone really irritating
"that is the ULTRA BUNKS"
"you are THE bunks"
by retardremington April 14, 2011
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Word to describe a Vagina in it worse condition; a smelly or gross vagina
Fuuucckk...that bitch is bunk, i can smell that shight from here...uuggh
by Troy May 3, 2003
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Girl:Ima Take off my shoe
Boy:Please Dont!
BOy: Your Feet are bunking! :D
BOy:Your feet Bunks so much it makes bacon sizzle.
by Unanmous June 9, 2011
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