n. Any general act of stupidity or misfortune. Oftentimes a directly the result of the person's action.

V. The act of making a biff.

"He biffed really bad this time."
"You shoulda seen him biff when he tried to talk to that girl."
"You really biffed that test."
"That was a hardcore biff."
"He biffed really bad this time."
"You shoulda seen him biff when he tried to talk to that girl."
by Second Elliot Skankies March 28, 2005
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1. A girl who when seen while fast-forwarding appears to be smokin', but when watched at regular video speed, is found to be unattractive.

2. A girl who could possibly be attractive when seen while fast-forwarding, but is unattractive normally.
I went back to watch the commercial, but it turned out she was just a biff.
by Love Rhino December 20, 2010
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really cheap nasty clothes.like one of those shirts with chinese symbols on it.
" your clothes are so biff what are you doing you bif-tech"
by sean January 30, 2005
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a woman with 2 butts, one in the back and one in the front
Person #1: Damn my spanish teacher is such a fat lard.
Person #2: I know. She's a biff.
by quimbybooker September 23, 2006
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The Bit between your balls and your bum!
(Medical Term-Perineum)
Its a hot day, your wearing jeans and your sweating 'God my biff is well chaffed'.
by Dee Magennis April 23, 2005
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to fall down in a spectacularly embarassing manner
whoa, you biff it like, twice a day on those stairs
by ipodgurl January 3, 2008
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