A derogatory term used to describe an older bald-headed man (i.e. a father, professor or boss) that is obstinate or settled in his way of thinking.
Girl, I would go to the party tonight but Old Baldy has me on lockdown.
by Valinda November 2, 2006
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A term used when someone anoues you and they have no hair
Feck you ya feckin Baldy bitch
by Rhinoboyd June 21, 2020
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A fat baldy fanny, but can also mean a bald man in his 40's.
Example 1:

John: Fucking laughing teacakes here mate.
Mark: Why?
John: Our lass has just text me a picture of her baldy badger, smooth sailing tonight when I get in.

Example 2:

John: Take a gander at that goon over there, looks like a right baldy badger doesn't he?
Mark: Aye.
by BanterWagonn March 3, 2014
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aka Community Service Guy, a man who for some perverse reason becomes defined by his court ordered punishment. Despite being banned from Edinburgh city centre he is able to work on the city limits despite his court ordered ankle tag beeping as he passes the hermiston park and ride.
Fat Baldy had a quiet night in last night 3 bottles of buckie and 5 lines of coke.
by Daveee Reeeed January 17, 2009
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When you take a member of the squad on a post-exam trip to the northern capital of debauchery and blasphemy and they are unable to control themselves to the point where no-one knows how they made it home apart from the evidence of TWO piss-stained mattresses and the bed sheets that had to be thrown out the window the next morning, despite the fact they slept right next to the bathroom. This goofy looking creting can often be found with soggy trousers and what appears to be an intentionally shaved head.
Tim 'Look over there Jimmer, that hotel seems to be waving surrender from the flagpole outside reception'
Jimmer 'Nah Tim, that's just the piss soaked bed sheets they had to throw out the window after some Baldy Pissypants stayed there last night'
by Hoora Tempah February 19, 2013
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A hairstyle which is reseeding on top and long at the back.
Mel Smith - one half of legendary comedy duo Smith and Jones - wouldn't have been half as funny were it not for his Baldy Long
by NebCRasbit June 10, 2020
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