where all the prep/emo/goth kids go to get their 'kewl' clothes that are faded, torn, or have holes in them. everytime i go into an abercrombie and fitch there is a kid in there with his favorite emo bands wristbands on that is wearing worn out some gay vintage tshirt, faded or torn jeans, a faggot ass hat, and sandals and the entire store smells like ass
i fucking hate that goddamn store
by t-bag January 3, 2005
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Abercrombie is great and you people are just mad because you cant afford it and your jealous because the people who do wear Abercrombie are richer and hotter than you.

And yes I do like ther jeans.
by Thomas February 17, 2005
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A store in which people with insecurities shop at to be a part of the culture in which they live in. Not necessarily bad, but this type of organization seems to sometime become shallow and tends to conquer the individualistic aspect of the people who participate in this piece of pop culture (most pop-culture seems to have this affect however). It is good to a certain degree, but seems to give people a shallow understanding of their society and in fact is a shallow manifestation of the style it tries to represent. The look is their but the experiences that caused this look are missing. It does not represent the people who wear this clothing brand in a pure manner, most of the time.
"I know who i am, i mean look at me, can't you tell i am a surfer. doesnt this clothing represent who i am? you're just weird."
by robert ward April 3, 2005
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Abercrombie: a clothing boutique were fag guys go to were shirts that make there puny little muscles stand out. A shop were girls can look like they are wearing nothing but thread and can get easily laid. Were girls know the only way they can get a guy is to wear a slut costume. AKA Prep central
OMG Haileigh like that is so hot we'll get laid tonight by Jordan!
Like OMG Chrissy that sounds awwsome we should were pieces of a shirt for a SKIRT! OMG that is so fetch!
by Trish April 3, 2005
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a clothing store for mindless, shallow, spoiled, materialistic and extremely judgmental dolts desperate to fit in and without an ounce of individuality. i wouldnt be caught dead there. and no, im not fat, ugly, or poor. i just dont want to be grouped with the rest of the morons that worship it. they do make good quality clothing though. too bad the dumbasses of the world had to give it a bad name. maybe when some of you people get into your mid 20s or so you'll realize how stupid you all were acting.
abercrombie has like the best marketing execs ever.
by dutch150 April 3, 2006
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Its a place for casual people with a lot of money who think that being "preppy" is associated with wearing a popular brand such as Abercrombie (Abercrombie knows that its buyers are stupid rich people who do not really care about clothing quality but more on the PRICE TAG.) People who usaully buy abercrombie are faggots without a life who think that a BRAND will give them SIGNIFICANCE. People interested in SHOWING-OFF wear this brand. People who do not have the courage and self-respect to buy normal clothing like normal people who actually have a life. People who buy abercrombie do not know anything about being "preppy" because they are just stupid followers of rich people.
Wearing abercrombie is a good way to show rich people that you save all your money to buy clothes like them.
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I like abercrombie. I wear abercrombie. I do not ONLY wear abercrombie, but some of my mates do. Can be labeled as 'an abercrombie'. Good quality, fashionable clothing.
- she's an abercrombie.
- that is overpriced. thats abercrombie.
by xxx princess xxx May 27, 2005
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