When you fall asleep on your side and some one takes a long stringy shit from your side burn to your chin.
John passed out at the party last night so I gave him a Mutton chop.
by Trannyplus1 February 19, 2011
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When, after giving anal sex, the man takes his penis and wipes poo around the girls chin to make it look like a mutton chop.

(I made this up myself)
"My girlfriend looked hilarious after I gave her that mutton slop."
by DatSexyBeast100 February 23, 2010
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When you are a cuck loving mook who should just kill theirselves.
Brad shut up you mutton chop.
by MEMESLAYER9901 November 6, 2017
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A vain, ignorant, and superficial middle-aged woman who unsuccessfully attempts to make herself look youthful by caking on make-up and by wearing the trendy clothing of college-aged females. This phrase is actually an older popular characterization which one occasionally encounters in classic literature and especially in Golden Age British mysteries.
Check out that noxious old heifer -- laced mutton of The First Water.
by The Grottomaster June 7, 2011
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putrid, rotting meat with a malevolent presence on a stick/head
alla eats mutton-heads for dinner
by kajennifer August 6, 2004
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