Obnoxious, cowardly drug addicts who have decided that their lives are so boring and unexciting that they have to let it be ruled by a mostly illegal plant.

Stoners are among the most deluded people on the planet. Stoners believe that marijuana is not a drug, is not addictive, and has absolutely no negative effects whatsoever. Despite the fact that it's blatantly a drug and that they are blatantly addicted to it (they believe it defines them, hence the term "stoner") they are too dumb to notice this, and thus they abuse the drug until they've lost interest in sobriety. They believe that it is some kind of perfect substance that no-one can criticize. It certainly isn't perfect, and the lack of intelligence of most stoners is proof of this.

As well as pointlessly denying that they're all a bunch of annoying loser addicts who can't enjoy life without being constantly high, they also cry and whine incessantly when they are made fun online of or portrayed negatively in the media. The thing is, stoners do nothing to make themselves look good. Firstly, most stoners are criminals because marijuana is illegal throughout most of the world, and yet they deny this, as if they are above the law. And secondly, stoners make really lame excuses for their addiction, often hypocritically claiming that other addicts are worse than them just because marijuana is safer than other drugs. It's this attitude which makes people dislike them, and it makes it harder for people to accept the drug.
Stereotypes exist for a reason - and if you call yourself a stoner, you are calling yourself an addict. And smoking marijuana every day isn't cool, it's cowardly, weak and greedy. Being proud of it even worse. Many stoners actually celebrate their addiction every April 20th, and this behaviour is so pathetic that it's sad. You must have a seriously boring, aimless and uninteresting life if you actually derive pleasure from celebrating your love for getting high every single day. And you guys actually wonder who society looks down upon you.

"I'm all for legalizing weed. However, I still think that people who celebrate the fact that they are drug users are pieces of shit. If you smoke every day, you shouldn't be proud of that. You should feel bad that you have a dependency on something. You're a fucking addict." - Adam Buckley (A Dose Of Buckley)
by TT454 April 11, 2015
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Someone that laughs alot, and really doesn't give a fuck what's going on around them. They just stare at the stupid people around them while eating brownies, drinking Mountain Dew and laughing they're asses off at people who aren't high. They have the amazing ability to entertain others around them with the crazy shit that they say.
Stupid fucker: "Look at those dumbasses over there."
Cool guy: "Your just mad that they're stoners and your not"
Another Guy: "Look at them sit over there laughing at us, they're so happy."
by Smokey2012 September 28, 2011
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Stoners are funny folk we have know worrys about life. what goes around comes around. After 1-4 we love to listen to music chill out with mates talk comeplete "bollocks" drink out our dry mouth and munch away our MUCHIES! Stay in complete relaxation and wake up 4 hours later ready to have enougher 4-6 then anuffer 6-8 then the ball starts rollng and you carnt stop......................But dont worry about it. Lifes to short!
Stoner 1. this is soo coool
Stoner 2. wooow
Stoner 3. Sum one skin up
Stoner 4. whos that over there i reackon i know him !
Stoner 1, hehehehe!!!!!
Stoner 2 does any one have a drink
by Stonerkid July 26, 2007
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1. People who enjoy drugs or herbs. They may pick from one or more of these: marijuana, LSD, 2CB, Cocaine, and/or heroine. They enjoy getting high and chillin out.

2. People who use illegal drugs to distract them from their feelings or make them feel better for a while.
Look at that stoner he looks like he's having a good time.
by Shleeby94 June 1, 2009
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Stoners are people who smoke a ton of weed. They are relaxed, nice, caring, humble and down to earth people. Stoners make great friends and most commonly have a wonderful outlook on life and a intense love for positive vibes. Let’s be honest, being sober is boring. Come get high with me and see how beautiful the world really is.
“Dude, Jordan is such a massive stoner, he smokes pot every single day. I don’t think you understand, he’s always high”.
by StonerGod420 January 4, 2018
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One who appreciates the magic of science, but not in the academic sense
Look at Jim watching Carl Sagan, he's such a stoner!
by angelhairpasta April 22, 2011
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: A person who cant form a real relationship with anything but a smoking aparatus, most of his friends have either given up on him or died trying. He refuses to listen to reason and force feeds his left over friends random ideas and commends he feels at the specific moment having almost no recolection of the
Me, and Im a Stoner
by VallliSimma November 23, 2008
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