people who sneak up on you while your playing minecraft.when they get close they start screaming "BOOM" in your ear.

Often wear green pants and hoodies with white spots.
random minecraft player: YES, finally found some diamond. w00t!!
creeper: *sneaks up to gamer*
creeper: B000M!!!
gamer: WAAAH! oh you f*cking creeper!
by gun-streak June 12, 2011
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Exploding thin green thing that kills you. They are everywhere.
Player: :D
You Died!
Player: Aw man, I got blasted by a creeper again!
Player 2: U R NOOB
Player: D:
by Normal American Citizen July 13, 2012
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A green monster from Minecraft that sneaks up behind you, hisses, and then explodes. When killed, it drops gunpowder, which is needed for crafting TNT.

Miner: OH SHI-

Creeper: *BOOM!*
by Savverz December 31, 2011
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Shoes that ONLY people of an alternative style should be allowed to wear.
All mainstream and common people should be burned for wearing them and especially if they wear FAKE ones.
A cool person who owns creepers 'omg, look at that chavs Creepers, I got mine last year!'
by dexterslover August 16, 2012
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A large green figure found in Minecraft that if it comes close to you it will sizzle and then proceed to blow up usually causing property damage and emotional distress.
"Thatssssss a very nicccccce everything you got there! SSSSsssssSSSS" said the creeper.
by Minecrafter66 April 11, 2011
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People who join your group on Facebook and don't say anything and just sit there and look at the pictures of you and your friends drunk and seeing what everyone is saying
Someone who is just so weird you dont know what to think of them.. they follow you everywhere and never say anything. They tend to be the butt end of jokes and dont even know it!
Shannon has a bad history with creepers while she is online.
That dude is such a fucking creeper
by T-Godd March 2, 2007
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a girl who tries to say sexy and uncomfortable things to a guy in an attempt to creep him out. CJ's typically blush to these comments, but the girl doesnt give up. tonights the night.
creeper: "youre a fine piece of ass."
by meg.meg.megatron September 5, 2010
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