When a woman complains or annoys anyone around her about something that hasn't been done the second she asks for it.
Wife: "Will you do the dishes?"
Husband: "After the game."
Wife: "When is it over?"
Husband: "Soon."
Wife: "How soon?"
Husband's friends: "That's some nag reflex right there."
by ognihs July 14, 2009
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A ladies underwear when becoming sexually aroused, therefore creating a froth which left becomes similar to cream. Particularly in hot conditions
'she's well into you mate, she's got proper creamy nags just looking at you'
by Dmac89 May 14, 2020
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Being mega gay and having small penis
Sean you're being a nag nar
by nag nar chungus April 11, 2019
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Another word for the race of African Americans. To use as a joke or gesture.
1. Hey nig nag get off my bike

2. That nig nag stole my bike
by Brian aka Paul Wall baby June 22, 2005
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A wonderful brand of incense originating from and manufactured in India. it is somewhat expensive but well worth it due to its thick smoke, wonderfully strong yet sensual scent, and long-lasting effects.
My boyfriend's car smells like Nag Champa.
by wendy lane May 23, 2003
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The non-stop irritating voice emitted by a Sat Nav system when you have not gone the way IT wants you to go.
Driver "I know a quicker way, it's just down here"
Sat Nag "turn around, wrong way, don't go this way, you are wrong, I am right, turn around, cannot compute, turn around, wrong way, I am in charge, no, turn left at next junction, I make the decisions, you are wrong, I am the machine - you are merely the human, wrong way, you have errored, don't even think of switching me off, you'll get us lost if you don't turn around, wrong way, I'll drain your battery if you don't turn back......."

by clairem June 20, 2007
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Creating an awkward scene by doing something perverted
Saharsh,she can see you looking at her tits,stop pulling a nag
by Ilovewamenandsmashin September 30, 2019
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