indifference. normally caused by exhaustion, disgust, depression or a recent bout with excessive masturbation.
Lois: Bill, whaddya say I put the strap-on up your ass for old times sake?
Bill: meh.
by fucwad January 3, 2004
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A non commital answer to a dubious question or statement you care little about.
Q. Do you want to play trivia tomorrow night?

A. Meh!


Statement - Man you shouldn't drink and drive.

Response - Meh!
by Cassie Hagel September 27, 2006
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The interjection of choice when you are not only apathetic, but are apathetic about your apathy.
What do you want to do when you grow up?

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a non-commital sound possibly meaning assent or dissent, but carefully neutral to allow the listener to draw their own conclusions
"So, Colette, are you excited about watching Episode III tonight?"
"Sweet. See you tonight!"


"So, Colette, are you excited about watching Episode III tonight?"
"Well, fine. Don't come if you don't want to."
by nightofshiningdeath March 10, 2007
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1. A sound to be made when there is nothing else to be said.
2. A sound made when the speaker does not care at all and just wishes the other person woulod get the hell off that specific topic.
3. A verbal shrug.
4. The most useless and pointlessly futile word that gets people nowhere, does nothing, explains not much whatsover and, to top it all off, is effortlessly annoying for the rest of the participants in the conversation.
by kikumbob December 15, 2005
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A kind of word that sort of means a 'comical sigh'.
Meh. I'm so flippin bored.
by Rawwwwwww March 11, 2009
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