When a hoopty comes to a stop, and the worn springs nose dive under braking, and then begin to bounce up and down, long after the vehicle has come to a complete stop. Usually, emmitting a loud metal-to-metal squeaking and groaning sound because the rubber spring isolators have long since been eroded away.

This may be accompianied by a subsequent stall, and backfire, with or without smoke, and/or a radiator shooting steam out of the grille.

See Movie: Uncle Buck
We were at the local cruise in, when everyone started laughing at this 80's land yacht that pulled off a wicked hoopty stop. The driver thought he was cool, pretending he had hydraulics, but it was really lame.
by KRASH! June 26, 2007
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(adj.) used to describe any common noun to describe a particularly inferior condition. anything broken or not in proper working order, or typically held together in substandard working order by any kind of cheap glue and/or duct tape.
"that is one hooptie-ass car."
"you're a f*ckin hooptie-ass bitch!"
"let's go get crunk at that hooptie-ass complex J-funk stays at."
"thou art unto thine hooptie-ass."
by Websta! August 24, 2008
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A car that does not fit the personality of the person driving it. Usually an older car that doesn't run well.
Bill's Mustang is in the shop. They gave him a little hatch-back hooptie ride for the day.
by Xandyr October 6, 2003
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A peice of crap car done up to look like a nice car
Usually a honda etc with a spoiler,graphics,rims,tailfins,tinted windows,a loud sound system and the works commonly rode in by guidos and wiggers
Greasers:look at that hoopty-wagon
Greaser2:Yeah,what a wigger
by ModRock123 April 19, 2006
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Flashy rims that you would see on a ghetto hooptie, something that Bubb Rubb would most definitely drive WOO WOOOOOO!!!!11
Damn, I think that be Bubb Rubb driving that whip with the Hooptie hoops on it.
by H to the o-s-s August 13, 2005
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When a man does anal without lube with either a male or female.
Toddd pulled out his erection and put it in jay without lube and got hoopty dented
by Gila guy March 28, 2018
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Short for Hooptie Doo. A party or get-together where everyone brings something. Usually a bar-b-que is involved.
I going to the Hooptie at Rick's house.
by Red Eye the Pirate July 11, 2008
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