The absolute and ultimate insult; which is also used to replace the words fuck and dick.
Example 1: "Go duck yourself, motherducker!"

Example 2: "Suck my duck!"

Example 3:

P1: "you're a whore"
P2: "your mums a whore"
P1: "your face is a whore"
P2: "well your face is a duck"
P1: *starts crying* "thats too far man!"
by BlakSh33p May 17, 2009
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A close relative of a Fishes. Sometimes it can be very evil
Guy: W'sup dude.
Other Guy: Hi, is that a duc...
Duck: * kills both * QUACK QUACK MOTHERF*CKERS
by Hmmmmmm June 3, 2020
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The word that your phone corrects the word fuck to.
Carl: I'd duck her.
Carl: Duck, I meant to say duck.
Carl: Duck this.
by ReallyWeirdGaming October 31, 2015
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There are these creatures everywhere, but watch out! Because they'll sh*t on your car and all over parks. So the next time you see a duck, please save the world by shooting it.(Dont really do that)
by FISHEGGS4DAY$ January 13, 2018
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1. n. : An insufferable female sub-human often found with a swaggot. These obnoxious females are often very cruel to others, loud, think they're prettier than they actually are. The name duck comes from the usage of duck-face. Also see "popular kids".
2. n. : a shortened version of dumb-fuck.
3. n. : A water fowl that is known for the 'quack' sound.
A: "How much more of a bitch could she be?"
B: "What'd you expect? She's a total duck."

A: "I wonder what Obama's last name is. I don't think I've heard it before."
B: "Duck."

"Have you ever gone down to the park by the lake to feed the ducks?"
by Yolocaust Anonymous July 30, 2013
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Replacement word for Fuck when using T9 or Sure-type messaging.
txter1: Wat u think of bill?

txter2: hes a ducking idiot.
by SamSquanch21 October 4, 2009
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