Denzel is an anime weeb who dreams of one day having a harem with a hundred girls. He is always horny but do not worry he is only into guys and 2D girls. He also thinks he is "a beast" at life or video games but he is lying and is only "a beast" at wanking. He is also a lonely loser.
Guy 1: Woah whose that anime watching faggot with his dick hanging out?
Guy 2: Oh its just Denzel
Guy 1: What a loser
by SecsMaster57 October 8, 2019
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batimon likes to go to jamaica to suck dick
ay batimon denzel! how are you?
by delonjames69 March 31, 2020
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A denzel is a very black man you wont be able to see him at night bcuz he is so black ask him to open his eyes

Over here nigga u cant see meh?
by snickerboi123 July 7, 2017
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Common name for boys
Denzel is usually a dark skinned guy with alot of pride. They tend to tell alot of jokes but some might not be funny.
When a Denzel is in a relationship he usually takes full control of the girl and enjoys intercourse

This is the rearest breed of denzel but most of them are sweet and kind
Pride is a Denzel
by Maun guys November 26, 2021
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Denzel is very kind and he is that type of person you would call 1 in a million. He has a passion for speed and he would smoke anyone in a running race.When it comes to his mates he is always there for them no matter what. At times Denzel can be quite confident and choose violence but most of the times he stays silent. He is also very attractive. Sometimes he can overreact over stupid things.He can also sometimes be the missing piece to all the fun so if you need to brighten up your day you know who to call.Denzel is also the man you need in your life situations since he is very understanding and gives good support.Denzel can be your charity at times giving you all the stuff you want.He is also surprisingly decent at maths so he is always a handy calculator. Just a disclaimer he also has a large D***k
1)It's Denzel not Denzil
2)He only has pace

3)Where's Denzel man
4)Buy me a drink
by Cjonthebeat November 23, 2021
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The god responds to the intent thing was ME! Me Denzel! I’m one of the greatest theologians of all time!
HymHeeyyy! Denzel said the thing! God, this could be so much cooler! It could have been dope! You guys are really screwing me.”
by Hym Iam November 29, 2022
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a person who needs to try estrogen
"He said he'd go by Veronica if he was a biological woman, I think he's a Denzel"
by DJacobi April 26, 2022
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