1. To no longer live (like...no pulse)

2. To be REALLY boring

3. To be in serious trouble
1. My dog is dead, I hope he went to doggy heaven

2. This party is dead, I'm going home

3. My mom caught me having sex, I'm dead
by ihavenolife June 29, 2004
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1. Something you can shout randomly to scare/annoy people.
2. Also a great song from My Chemical Romances new album,The Black Parade. Tis good,ya?
"Dead!" I shouted during church,much to the annoyance of several hundred conservative housewives in attendance.
2. "I love Dead!" said my BFF "Hooray for using exclamation marks!"
by bandanasarerad October 24, 2006
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Harvard deaded Jim despite his 1.7 GPA.
by AirNik August 24, 2003
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An adverb that typically modifies an adjective. Often used as a replacement for "very," "so," or "extremely" and is assumed to have a stronger positive or negative connotation.
"You got an F in PE? Are you serious?"
"Yeah man I'm dead serious"

"Hey that girl over there is dead hot"

"My dad was dead pissed when I took his car out for a drive"

"That Calculus test was easy"
"Are you kidding? That test was dead hard"
by Adrian D. March 23, 2009
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deceased, an empty shell, devoid of life, not alive, soulless
by chic geek September 12, 2003
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If you don't shut up, I'm going to kill you until you're dead.
by Dial-Up February 10, 2003
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lew- omg my but burns

by yung_mistress April 17, 2015
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