Noun or Adjective. Beyond crazy; could be good or bad.
Jen: I'm not tired I just can't keep my eyes open.
Jeri: You sure your not tired?
Jen: Yes I just need liquid in my eyes.
Jeri: Your crazi!
by Jeri for the crazi November 12, 2007
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Usually put before a word to increase its meaning and emphasize. similar to wicked or totally
Person 1: yo, that shit is crazy stupid.
Person 2: i feel that.
by Steven83 September 11, 2005
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Dude, that movie was crazy! -or- Those are some crazy shoes.
by aznXdarkriceX April 12, 2003
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dogs love me cuz i'm crazy sniffable
by jdm November 21, 2002
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When you are clearly not interested in something someone has to say, and joke about acting like you are when you and the other person/people know you are not.
Person 1: bro and then my cat ate this fuzz on the ground and then i saw an alligator fall out of the sky and then a gay guy bumped my shoulder and the..
Person 2: That's Crazyyy...
by some_cunt December 11, 2019
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Code for someone to admit that they are sexually attracted to men. Often used when someone is gay, but too scared to come out. They will often deny it if you ask them whether they are gay or not.
That’s crazy”- Person 1
“We accept you for who you are”- Person 2
by SussyMontague November 14, 2021
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