One of the most famous school massacres in history. The two perpetrators, Reb and VoDkA, killed 13 people, left 24 injured, and scarred the lives of many, many more.

This sparked all sorts of reactions from the world- mainly horror, disgust, and shock beyond belief. But in the dark corners of the world, there are those who admire and support them, those who too hate the world and even hope to do something similar.

After the event, Columbine High School has never been the same. Most people will think of the shooting before the school. There are also plenty of strange people who pay the place a visit just because of this event.
Most of us: "The Columbine Massacre... How could they do such a thing?"

That shady kid: "The Columbine Massacre is just the beginning of our revolution."

A hybristophiliac: "I don't condone, but Reb and Vodka were sooo cute !!1!!1!11!1"
by streetshad0ws August 14, 2021
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to "pull a columbine" is basically doing a typical school shooting, minus the incredibly large amount of infamy, copy cats and social effect that columbine had. basically a lvl 1 school shooting done by a noob who doesn't know how to wash their leather cheerio and smells like doo doo feces.
connor: oh my, im so fed up with being bullied at school even though im the instigator, i think im gonna pull a columbine
penis of johnson: stfu you smelly kid, put your dads hunting rifle away and get some help as well as not be such a bitch at school and no one will bully you"
connor: thanks penis of johnson! now that i've been given some valuable info, i have turned my life around and have become a famous mathematician.
penis of johnson: you're welcome!
*and the school lived happily ever after*
by penis of johnson. November 11, 2022
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When in a roofed place,killing everyone with a gun and then committing suicide
Person 1:Have you heard Eminem's Encore's last song?
Person 2:Yeah,i like the part where he Commits Columbine
Person 1:What is Committing Columbine?
Person 2:You artard,it's when someone kills everyone and then commits suicide on a roofed place
by Under Kanal May 30, 2022
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that group of 7 or 8 goofaces that hang around your local coffee shop/venue on open mic night. they wear an excessive amount of black, never break formation, and will make even the most self-assured fellow very uncomfortable. they tend to pick an inconvenient spot, such as a narrow walkway or the only couch or pool table in the building, and stick to it for hours. they're ultimately harmless, but creepy nonetheless.
geraldine: "ohhh fuck. columbine crew on your 6."

bertha: "man, let's dip."
by steinenhoot April 30, 2010
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Honey, Billy's listening to some COLUMBINE MUSIC.
Don't worry, dear, just put on "Barney's Sing Along" to flush that garbage from his head.
"The biggest lie of all in "Bowling for Columbine" is this so-called NRA. Mr. Moore actually expects us ignorant Americans to believe that there exists an organization in America that is so callous as to hold a pro-gun rally less than two weeks after one of the most horrific episodes of gun violence in our nation's history right next to very location where that incident occurred?!"

Proof that right-wing America just can't handle the truth. Michael Moore is too damn honest
by zutroy July 8, 2004
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The liberal tactic of bringing a gun to school to win friends and influence people.
Did you see the late night comedy show last night it was a real constitutional columbine.
by Devontree September 30, 2021
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