A sexual act where one takes a giant, steamy shit on a girl's chest, then titty fucks her.
Jim: "I think i got some shit in my urethra after i gave Kim a Cleveland Steamer last night"
Bob: "Sucks, man"
by X August 18, 2003
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When someone shits on your chest then sits in it and rubs it all over your stomach and chest area.
My girlfriend wanted me to give hear a Cleveland steamer but I said no.
by Your momz .com December 12, 2017
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The art of one person excreting onto someones chest and then rocking backward and forth in a rocking horse motion thus smearing faeces all over the target area.

I met her in a bar, we went back to hers, and upon turning the light on i noticed she had plastic sheets, inquisitive at first i carried on. There was some foreplay and then she shat on my chest. She asked me afterwards if i enjoyed the cleveland steamer.
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1. The act of being unusually nice or pleasant to a person, as that person is simultaneously being dumped upon, blown off or otherwise snubbed.

2. An inappropriately apathetic or hostile response to a thoughtful or kind gesture.
Airline {In a warm, syrupy prerecorded voice}: Your flight from Reno to Chicago was due to depart in an hour. We took the liberty of canceling that flight just a few minutes ago. You needn't thank us now, but we made arrangements to complete your trip by rerouting you via Portland, Maine late tomorrow. It will add only a few hours in a crowded plane to your vacation!! And have a great day!!

Jim (to wife): "Crap. The airline just handed us a modified Cleveland Steamer."
by wmbdover April 20, 2012
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The act of Defecating on your partners chest then sitting on it while rocking back and forth like a steam roller (cleveland steamer). Then proceeding to ejaculate on the feces while topping it off with a used tampon.
"dude, i gave her the best Cleveland steamer sundae last night!"
by lukelord0 May 7, 2015
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Another name for the Steam Deck, predicted by Gape Newell several years before the actual steam deck was revealed.
The Portable Cleveland Steamer can be taken with you into the shitter. It'll provide you some jack pleasure on the toilet. You know whatever you need it for...
by Uncle Gubber September 11, 2023
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