A mythical creature which is a cross between a primate and a rageaholic. Consumes alcohol and bananas through its anus.
by XMC7991 September 23, 2016
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Term of endearment: Can be used to describe a significant other or a loved one in a silly way.
I love you Monkey Butt!!
by I love erin :) March 3, 2009
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When you stay in wet clothing (usually swimming trunks) for to long, you're butt begins to itch.
Thus causing you to scratch it profusely, often ending in you looking like a monkey.
Dude, I went swimming and never dried myself off, now I have the worst case of monkey butt ever!
by Paradox@pawngame.com July 22, 2010
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The soreness in the rectal area after participating in such activities as anal sex.
Hey girlfriend, I'm got a bad case of monkey butt after my boyfriend slammed it up my ass all night long.
by TFWI May 30, 2018
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A man that is developing a bald spot on the back of his head resembling a baboon’s or chimpanzee’s ass. This phrase works best if the person combs his hair over this balding area and thinks nobody notices he trying to hide it!
Check out the "monkey butt" on that guy or "nice monkey butt".
by LisaD143 August 2, 2005
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A term used to describe a man or woman who can grow hair fully, and to a substantial length on the buttocks.
Before the hair transplant, Roy was a Monkey Butt.
by DrooDroo March 21, 2011
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