shoving a black dildo into an ass filled with ground beef, sour cream, tomatoes, cheese, and of course onions.
My friend slid an anaconda chalupa in my asshole last night...then i passed out.
by Chandler Loupe January 27, 2009
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A awesomely weird dude with a huge cock otherwise known as Chris Ferrari
"dude that chick has been hella limping"

"white anaconda musta creeped in last night"
by hollagurl101 February 5, 2014
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During sex, the male wraps his right/left leg around the female's neck while she blows him.
Tom used the Mississippi Anaconda maneuver on Jessie
by 69Boy69 July 15, 2015
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A sex act similar to an Eiffel tower, but involving three men
My buddy and I were in the middle of Eiffel towering this girl, when our room mate came home. Next thing we knew, it turned into a triple anaconda.
by strifegeek February 19, 2015
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A Formal Way Of Reffering To A Massive Black Cock.
Jane: Wow, that African Anaconda Spit Some Venom At Me Last Night!

Jeff: I Bet That It Took Him Awhile To Get Torqued.
by Bigdaddywilly98 May 26, 2019
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