fluid that is stank and that comes out of a pipe
Tyron: Hey tyrone you got some pipe stank coming out of yo anus there
Tyrone: Thanks for tellin' me tyron
by Random nibba November 20, 2017
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When a guy jerks off on the toilet right after taking a shit
I was in a rush this morning so I killed 2 birds with one stone with a porcelain Crank and Stank
by El_Durazno July 6, 2020
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also known as the act of peing on or cumming on someone after fucking them in the ass for several hours.
he pulled his truck into my loading dock and then hit me afterwards with that stank drizzle!
by stank drizzle April 30, 2018
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A big fat sweaty cock that has just been pulled out of an asshole and is about to go into a mouth.
Here comes the Stank Shank!
by Locksmagic March 15, 2023
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Breath that smells of dying or decaying tissue, rotten food, or other various sorts of awful smells.
I was totally into this chick until she pointed her stank cannon at me.
by Fakebook February 18, 2012
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When a group of hygienically impaired, Unshaven individuals gathering at a planned event ie “hippies” and their combined stench’s becomes overwhelming that they are considered To be a: plural - “stank of hippies”
Bro, that stank of hippies nearly made me reconsider my sexuality
by SxuldV8 March 7, 2020
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