The act of squatting while exerting fecal matter as a duck or any other water fowl is consuming the raw body fluids.
Man i was duck squatting so hard last night my rectum is swelling.
by The filthy whisker November 1, 2013
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"I don't give a fuck if you're on your last warning, gimme a 20% goodwill discount or I'll kick your teeth down your throat, you miserable little Squat-Fuck"
by Smear test August 23, 2017
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A shot of pineapple juice, lime juice, mint and tequila.
Person 1: Yo what kind of shots are we taking tonight
Person 2: How about poppa squats?
by Tbwaaaa September 30, 2021
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Look at Anthony poppin squat at that table full of girls.
by matv203 September 3, 2015
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The act of leaving the last three crisps, the last doughnut, the last five mililitres of beer, simply to avoid putting the packet in the bin
Joe: Aww man these crisps have green mold on them!
Tom: Yeah I know dude, you've been empty packet squatting for like 2 weeks!
by kiillrz October 14, 2011
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